If you just want to use OpenPose without compiling or writing any code, simply use the latest portable version of OpenPose for Windows.
The demo and tutorials additionally use GFlags. Email us ( gines or feel free to make a pull request if you implemented any of those!
Have you ported OpenPose into another DL framework (Tensorflow, Caffe2, Pytorch.
OpenCV (all 2.X and 3.X versions are compatible). Advanced tip: You might need more resources with a greater -net_resolution and/or scale_number or less resources by reducing the net resolution and/or using the MPI and MPI_4 models. Highly recommended: a CPU with at least 8 cores. At least 2.5 GB of free RAM memory for BODY_25 model or 2 GB for COCO model (assuming cuDNN installed). NVIDIA graphics card with at least 1.6 GB available (the nvidia-smi command checks the available GPU memory in Ubuntu). Requirements for the default configuration. However, we do not officially support them at the moment.
OpenPose has also been used on CentOS and other Nvidia Jetson (TK1) embedded systems.Nvidia Jetson TX2 (for JetPack 3.1 or 3.3), installation instructions in doc/installation/jetson_tx/installation_jetson_tx2_jetpack3.1.md and doc/installation/jetson_tx/installation_jetson_tx2_jetpack3.3.md respectively.
Nvidia Jetson TX1 (for JetPack 3.1), installation instructions in doc/installation/jetson_tx/installation_jetson_tx1.md. However, they should still work (but might require minor changes). Ubuntu 14, 16 and 18 as well as Windows 7 and 8 are no longer officially maintained. Operating Systems, Requirements, and Dependencies Uninstalling, Reinstalling, or Updating OpenPose. OpenPose Live Demo at Tiyaro - Community-Based Work. Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source on ROS, Docker, and Google Colab - Community-Based Work. Problems and Errors Installing OpenPose. Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source. Operating Systems, Requirements, and Dependencies.